Commercial property and industrial premises
For information on industrial and commercial premises currently on the market, visit the property search section on the Invest in Bristol and Bath website and search the Commercial Property Database.
Property for sale
Delaware House
Address: Delaware House, 129 West Town Lane, Knowle, BS14 9EF
Auction guide price: £190,000
The guide price is an indication of the seller's current minimum acceptable price at auction. The guide price or range of guide prices, is given to assist consumers in deciding whether to pursue a purchase.
This property is for sale by online auction. The live online auction is on Wednesday 12 February 2025 at 5.30pm via the Hollis Morgan website. You can bid by telephone, proxy or computer.
The registration deadline is on Monday 10 February 2025 at 4pm.
You can find the full details about the property and register to bid for the auction on the Hollis Morgan website.
Council property to let
Whitchurch Lane Enterprise Park
Property address: Whitchurch Lane Enterprise Park
Scheme: The recently built Enterprise Park comprises of 14 new light industrial units totalling 18,494 square feet, the units have been finished to show and core specification to provide maximum flexibility for different tenants and the potential to fit a mezzanine floor. The properties benefit from EV charge points infrastructure for tenants to fit out, full height roller shutter doors and Units in blocks A and B benefit from PV panels .
Marketing details: Whitchurch Lane Enterprise Park
Contact: Hartnell Taylor Cook (leasing agent)
Office: 0117 923 9234
Mobile: 07774 017 218
Northpoint House
Address: Northpoint House, Princes Wharf, Harbourside, Bristol, BS1 4RN
The premises comprise an end of commercial building constructed with brick/metal profile cladding elevations and a pitched roof. The accommodation is arranged over Ground and First Floors.
Internally the property has been fitted out as office accommodation but may be suitable for alternative uses.
pdf Full details brochure for Northpoint House (305 KB) .
£17.50 per square foot, exclusive of VAT and outgoings, subject to contract.
Property size
Ground Floor: 62.28 square meters (670 square feet)
First Floor: 69.16 square meters (744 square feet)
Total: 131.44 square meters (1,414 square feet)
Kate Richardson, via:
Office: 0117 363 5699
Mobile: 07342 701095
Production spaces at The Bottle Yard Studios
- Stages, workshops and offices available on flexible terms for television and film production or media activities.
- 11 stages, 8 at the main studio site and 3 at the studio's premium TBY2 facility. Floor areas range from 8,000 to 22,000 sq ft and heights up to 34 feet.
- Site wide internet speeds of up to 10GB.
For more information visit or call Bottle Yard reception on 0117 35 76880.
Filwood Green Business Park
Eco-friendly business park in South Bristol offering:
- Workshops and studios, 500 to 1500 sq ft
- Offices, 130 to 400 sq ft
All spaces are available on flexible leases. Suitable for startups and SMEs.
For more information contact Filwood Green:
- email
- call 0117 403 2403
Contact us
To enquire about council properties, email