How to make a representation to a premises licence or club premises certificate application.
You can make a representation to an application that has not yet been granted.
Objections to applications are called representations.
Make a representation
Representations must be based on at least one of the licensing objectives:
- the prevention of crime and disorder
- public safety
- the prevention of public nuisance
- the protection of children from harm
How to make a representation to an application
Read our pdf information for local residents making representations to applications. (91 KB)
Send your representation by:
- email
- post: Licensing Team (Temple Street), Bristol City Council, PO Box 3399, Bristol, BS1 9NE
You must include your full name and address. These will be shared with the applicant. Your name will also appear on a publicly available committee report and related documents.
You can only submit representations within the representation period:
- 10 working days from the day after the application is submitted, for minor variations
- 28 days from the day after the application is submitted, for grant applications and variations
We cannot accept any representations outside this period.
You can find information about the application and the representation end date on:
- our public registers
- the notice of application displayed at the premises
What happens next
When we get your representation, the application will go to the licensing committee Go to (opens new window). They'll decide if it can be granted or not. The premises licence or club premises certificate applicant will also get a copy of your comments.
You'll get a hearing notice with the time, date and where the hearing will be. You do not have to attend. The notice will ask if:
- you'll attend the hearing
- you want to nominate someone else to attend the hearing on your behalf
At the hearing, you'll be able to speak about your representation. Committee hearings are held in public.
The licensing committee can:
- grant the application as applied for
- grant the application with extra conditions, less licensable activities or reduced times for licensable activities
- refuse the application
- adjourn the hearing to another date, if it's in the public interest
We'll produce a decision notice with details of the outcome and list the conditions if granted. We'll send a copy of the notice to anyone who makes a representation. You can appeal the decision.