How to ask for a review of a premises licence or club premises certificate.

You can ask for a review of a premises licence or a club premises certificate if the premises is not complying with:

  • the licensing objectives, or
  • the conditions of their licence

Anyone can apply for the review of a premises licence or club premises certificate. The review must relate to one or more of the licensing objectives. These are:

  • crime and disorder: any crime, disorder or anti-social behaviour related to the management of the premises. The licence holder cannot be responsible for the conduct of individuals once they leave the premises. 
  • public safety: safety of the public on the premises, for example fire safety, lighting and first aid
  • prevention of public nuisance: hours of operation, noise and vibration, noxious smells, light pollution and litter
  • protection of children from harm: protecting children from the activities carried out on the premises while they're on the premises. The law already provides special protections for children, for example making it illegal for children under 18 to buy alcohol.

Before you ask for a review

Before you ask for a review, you may want to think about whether there's an informal way to deal with your concern. For example:

  • talking to the premises licence holder or club premises certificate holder to see if there are steps they can take to rectify the situation
  • asking your local MP or councillor to speak to the premises licence holder or club premises certificate holder on your behalf
  • talking to the relevant responsible authority, to check if there's other legislation that could help resolve the issue, for example, environmental health might help with noise nuisance, or the police with crime and disorder

Ask for a review of a premises licence or a club premises certificate

Read our  pdf Information for local residents on how to submit an application for the review of a premises licence or club premises certificate(195 KB) .

Fill in the:

You'll need to:

  • give a copy to the premises licence holder
  • give a copy to the responsible authorities
  • email a copy to, or
  • post to Licensing Team (Temple Street), Bristol City Council, PO Box 3399, Bristol, BS1 9NE

What happens next

When we get the application for review, we'll display a site notice for 28 days at the premises and at the council office. The notice gives details of the review and how to make a representation. 

The licensing committee Go to (opens new window) will review the application at a hearing. This will be held within 20 working days of the last date when representations can be made. 

10 working days before the hearing, we'll send a hearing notice giving details of the review hearing to:

  • the premises licence holder
  • the applicant asking for a review
  • any others who have made representations 

During the hearing, you'll present your case to the committee. The premises licence holder and any other persons who made representations will also have the opportunity to speak to the committee. There may also be questions and clarifications sought during the hearing. The committee will normally make a decision on the day.

The licensing committee Go to (opens new window) may decide to:

  • revoke the licence
  • suspend the licence
  • amend the licence by adding extra conditions, or removing licensable activities, or reducing the time for licenceable activities
  • remove the designated premises supervisor
  • make no changes

We'll produce a decision notice with details of the outcome.  We'll send a copy of the notice to you and any others who made representations. You can appeal the decision.