Get permission to close a pavement or footway for works.

Apply for footway closure

You can ask to close a footway for 6, 12 or 18 months.

If you need to get a Section 278 Agreement to undertake these works (see your planning decision notice) this must be signed and completed before we can process your application.

Apply for a footway closure

You can extend a footway closure by submitting a new form.

You need to give us one week's notice for new application and to extend an existing application.

As part of the application process you will need to supply a plan that shows:

  • the location of footway closure
  • the extents of the footway closure, such as the length or start and end point of the closure 
  • where you are crossing pedestrians
  • how you are crossing pedestrians
  • what traffic management you are using, such as signs and barriers 


A footway closure costs:

  • £180 for 6 months
  • £360 for 12 months
  • £540 for 18 months

We'll need a reference number to send you an invoice.

How long it takes

It takes at least one week to process a footway closure application after we've received it.

We'll send you a confirmation email when permission has been granted.

Providing a different walkway

There needs to be another walkway for people to use while the footway is closed.  This is usually a temporary walkway along the side of the closed footway.

Contact if you need help with that.