Suspend a bus stop

Cost increases 2025

Please note the price increases in place since 1 April 2025.

You must apply to suspend a bus stop when carrying out roadworks that prevent the use of a bus stop. This includes work on the footway, for example tree maintenance.

If you need to obtain a Section 278 Agreement to undertake these works (see your planning decision notice) this must be signed and completed before we can process your application


You must make all applications at least 7 days' prior to starting the works so that a bus stop can be taken out of commission and, if necessary, a temporary stop installed.

We can't guarantee that late applications will be processed.

Bus stop closures made with less than 7 days' notice will be charged at double the standard rate.


Closure of a bus stop cost:

  • £288 per stop for the first 2 stops
  • £92 per additional stop
  • £115 for a temporary stop that requires additional infrastructure

You'll be charged £690 per stop per day if you close a bus stop without authorisation.

Applications made with less than 7 days' notice will be charged double the standard rate.

Cancel your application

Cancellation of a bus stop suspension is:

  • £80 per application with more than 7 days' notice
  • charged at the full price of the job with less than 7 days' notice

A £76 fee applies for each stop if you want to amend your application.

To amend or cancel your application, contact

Suspend a taxi rank

Cost increases 2025

Please note the price increases in place since 1 April 2025.


You must submit all applications at least 7 days prior to starting the works so that a taxi rank can be taken out of commission and, if necessary, a temporary rank installed.

We can't guarantee that late applications will be processed.

Taxi rank closures made with less than 7 days notice will be charged at double the standard rate.


Closure of a taxi rank cost:

  • £288 per rank for the first 2 ranks
  • £92 per additional rank
  • £115 for a temporary rank that requires additional infrastructure

You'll be charged £690 per rank per day if you close a taxi rank without authorisation.

Applications made with less than 7 days' notice will be charged double the standard rate.

Cancel your application

To amend or cancel your application, contact

Cancellation of a taxi rank suspension is:

  • £80 per application with more than 7 days notice
  • charged at the full price of the job with less than 7 days notice
How to apply

We'll need:

  • an invoice address
  • a Purchase Order 
  • a map showing location of bus stop or taxi rank to suspend
  • a plan of the works

Applications missing all or any of the above will be rejected.

This is for an application for a bus stop or taxi rank suspension only. All other networks permits must still be applied for.

Information on all other roads and highway licenses can be found on Roads and highway licences (

Apply for a Bus stop or taxi rank suspension

If you want to close a road, you'll also need a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) or a Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice (TTRN).