Statement of accounts and reports from our external auditors, summary of accounts.

Delayed Audit Completion Notice 2022-2023

Publication of Bristol City Council's Statement of Accounts and Audit Opinion.

Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015.

Our external auditors, Grant Thornton UK LLP, have advised us that the audit of the financial statements for the year ending 31 March 2023 has been completed and an audit opinion issued, but they have yet to issue their certificate of completion of the audit.

Grant Thornton cannot formally conclude the audit and issue an audit certificate to us for the year ended 31 March 2023 in accordance with the requirements of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Code of Audit Practice until they have completed their consideration of an objection brought to our attention by a local authority elector under section 27 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014.

Regulation 16(1) of The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 requires the Council to publish a statement:

  • that the audit has been concluded
  • that the statement of accounts has been published
  • of the rights of inspection conferred in local government electors by section 25 of the Act and the address at which, and the hours during which, those rights may be exercised

As the audit has not yet been concluded, the we cannot yet issue this statement.

The audited statement of accounts for 2022-23 is published on this page.

The notice of conclusion of the audit will be added to this page, with the external auditors' delayed certificate, as soon as this is issued.

Statement of accounts

These documents provide information for recent years on the council's income and expenditure during the year and balances at the year end. The documents are detailed and are prepared in accordance with the accounting recommendations which apply to all local authorities.

pdf Draft notice of public rights of inspection (110 KB) .

Audit closure certificates

Audit reports and inspection letters

These provide information about the statutory audit of the accounts by the council's external auditors. The council has again received an unqualified audit opinion on its latest accounts.

Annual governance statement

This statement explains how Bristol City Council endeavours to deliver good governance and reviews the effectiveness of these arrangement.