Who makes council decisions and how they are made.
Decisions in the council are made by Full Council (all councillors), policy committees, regulatory committees, other committees (committee system), neighbourhood partnerships, the Chief Executive, strategic managers and council officers.
Council meetings
Council meeting dates, membership, agendas, reports, minutes and webcasts.
Full Council
What Full Council is and the decisions it can take.
Committee system
What the committee system is, how it works and the different roles and their responsibilities.
Get involved in local democracy
How you can get involved in local democracy and have your voice heard.
Senior Management team
Who the Senior Management team are and what they are responsible for.
Officer decision notices
Find out what officer decision notices are, and read past officer decision notices
Reserved Matter Decisions
Find out what reserved matter decisions are and read past reserved matter decisions.
Find out what the constitution is and what it does.
Bristol City Youth Council
Find out who the Bristol City Youth Council are, and what they do.
History of the Mayor of Bristol
Bristol had an elected Mayor from May 2012 until May 2024.