Our website will be down for maintenance between midday and 2pm, Wednesday 26 March. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Council meeting dates, membership, agendas, reports, minutes and webcasts.

How we hold public meetings

Public meetings are held at City Hall including:

Attending public meetings at City Hall

If you're a member of the press or public and want to attend a public meeting at City Hall, you will need to sign in when you arrive. You will be issued with a visitor pass which you will need to display at all times.

Due to the maximum occupancy of the venue, you may be asked to watch the meeting on a screen in another room.

Find council meetings and documents

Find council meeting

Documents including agendas for a meeting are available five clear working days before a meeting not including despatch day and meeting day.

You can also download the mod.gov app to see details of meetings and set up automatic alerts that will let you know about items on meeting agendas in your ward and committees of interest.

Download at:

Have your say at council meetings

We welcome public attendance and participation at Full Council and all of its formal committee meetings.

When attending public meetings you must behave with courtesy, tolerance and respect at all times to Councillors, Council Officers and other meeting participants.

Anyone who causes disturbance may be asked to leave or may be removed from the meeting.

Ask a question or make a statement at a council meeting

You can send questions or a statement for Full Council, policy committees, and other meetings using our online form.

Information on all council meetings and agendas 

You can attend committee meetings, such as:

  • Full Council
  • Policy Committees
  • Development Control (planning meetings)

Or watch the meetings on YouTube.

For inquiries about the policy committees, email policycommittees@bristol.gov.uk

For general inquiries about council meetings and submitting petitions, email democratic.services@bristol.gov.uk

View all committees, meeting agendas, public forum dates and deadlines 

Hard copies of documents

You can see hard copies of previous agendas, reports, minutes and decision sheets at:

Bristol Archives
B Bond Warehouse
Smeaton Road
Bristol BS1 6XN
Tel: 0117 922 4224
Email: archives@bristol.gov.uk

Webcasts of council meetings

Some meetings are video streamed to improve openness, understanding and accountability of local decision making. These meetings are streamed live and are also available on-demand within 48 hours of the meeting.

See live and on-demand webcasts Go to webcasting (opens new window) on our YouTube page.

Videos are made available for public viewing for four years after the date of the meeting.

Photography, filming and social media use in meetings

People coming to open meetings can:

  • film
  • audio record
  • take photographs
  • use social media.

Commentary to filming is not allowed during meetings.  If you're going to a meeting you may be filmed by others at the meeting.

Read 'A guide for the press and public on attending meetings of local government'  from GOV.UK.

Contact information

Democratic Services: general enquiries

Bristol City Council
PO Box 3399
Bristol BS1 9NE

Phone: 0117 9222384
Email: democratic.services@bristol.gov.uk

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday, 9 am to 4.30pm
Friday, 9am to 4pm