What the Bristol Race Equality Strategic Leaders' Group does and who is in the group.

Bristol's Race Equality Strategic Leaders Group now has a new home at:

Bristol One City: Bristol Race Equality Strategic Leaders Group

Further details on the work and membership of the group, along with downloadable content, productions and reports can be accessed at the new webpage.

What the Bristol Race Equality Strategic Leaders' Group is

The Race Equality Strategic Leader's Group is a group made up of leaders from 12 public sector agencies in Bristol.

The group was set up to look at the issues raised in the Bristol Manifesto for Race Equality and has recently undertaken work looking at:

  • the diversity of employees in the public sector
  • differences in pay between black and minority ethnic (BAME) and white employees

Who's in the group and when they meet

The group has representatives from:

The group meets once every two months to discuss how public sector agencies can work together to improve the opportunities and experiences of black, Asian and minority ethnic individuals and communities.

The group's ongoing growth has allowed members to formally agree yearly plans and projects for working together. These plans are designed to produce concrete results, which will be shared with networks and city stakeholders.

Membership and partnerships - Bristol One City

Race eco system

The group have developed the race eco-system which shows how race equality stakeholders work together across the city.

Public sector city-wide data report

In 2017 and 2018 the group looked at the race diversity of staff in public sector agencies across Bristol.

pdf The data report(3.64 MB)  showed individual organisations and the collective race diversity of all public sector staff working in Bristol. This was compared to the population of Bristol to see how representative the public sector workforces are.

The analysis was also replicated in 2019 and 2021.

The report included:

  • ethnicity of employees
  • differences in pay by ethnicity
  • sickness data by ethnicity
  • grievance and disciplinary by ethnicity

Action groups made up of Directors and Senior HR leaders from the public sector organisations have been set up to look at the data findings.

They'll work together to increase the diversity and improve the inclusion of staff across all organisations.

You can read more about the work of the group on the Bristol One City site.