Statistics and data for Bristol including Key Facts, Open Data and ward data profiles, additional products to support the JSNA.

Bristol statistics and key facts

Check the statistics and census page for Bristol statistics reports such as the annual State of the City: Key Facts update (a summary of major facts and infographics about Bristol) and others.

Ward Data Profiles

Local data profiles for each ward in Bristol, containing a wide range of indicators.

Open Data Bristol

Bristol Open Data portal    

A new site for accessing, analysing and sharing open data, including Dashboards.  

Health Profile for Bristol

Health Profiles is an interactive data tool by Public Health England providing an overview of key indicators on health and the wider determinants that can affect it. You can also download the  pdf report(368 KB)


Visit our population page for an overview of the population living in the Bristol Local Authority area and projections of future population change.


To see the Bristol deprivation statisics visit our deprivation page.

Quality of life

The information from our quality of life surveys can be found on our quality of life in Bristol page.

Profiles of equalities communities in Bristol 

Data on equalities communities in Bristol can be found in the Equality profiles section on the Census 2011 page.

Economy and Employment

Quarterly Briefings on the Bristol economy and local labour market, plus the Local Economic Assessment (LEA).

Transport Evidence

Key evidence to strengthen the case for current transport policies and practice.