Director of Public Health annual report 2024
An annual independent report on the health of the people of Bristol.
NHS Accessible Information Standard
Details of the standard; meeting the needs of people whose needs relate to a disability, impairment or sensory loss.
Better Care Bristol
The Better Care Fund is a national programme to improve the ways health services and social care services work together.
The Care Act 2014
Details of the Care Act and what it means for people accessing social care and support.
Bristol All Age Carers Strategic Priorities
Bristol All Age Carers’ Strategic Priorities outlines the city’s vision and outcomes for Bristol's carers, making sure their voices are heard.
Emotional Health and Wellbeing Transformation Plan for Children and Young People
Information on our plan for services that support children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing.
Adult care partnership boards
Details of the partnership boards, includes minutes, and dates and venues of meetings.
Healthier Together
Information on the five year health and social care plan for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.
Oral health promotion in Bristol
How we’re promoting oral health in Bristol and what our priorities are.
Keeping Adults Safe
Details of the group and past case reviews.
Adult Social Care Strategic Plan
How we'll approach adult social care from 2016 to 2020.
Keeping Children Safe
Details of the group and past case reviews.
Ofsted and CQC inspection SEND report
The recent Ofsted and Care Quality Commission joint inspection report of the local area special educational needs and/or disabilities provision.
Short breaks policy
Short breaks are preventative, family support services so a disabled child or young person can have a break from their parent/carer and vice versa.
Autism review report
Our vision for services for people with autism in Bristol.
Bristol’s Childcare Sufficiency Assessment
The annual assessment of available childcare in Bristol.
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)
Information about the needs of the local population for pharmaceutical (or chemist) services.
Mayoral Commission on Domestic Abuse Report
The report sets out Bristol’s response to domestic abuse and sexual violence.
Port health
Details of the Port Health service and what we're responsible for.
Drug and Alcohol Strategy for Bristol
This strategy sets out the city’s vision for reducing harm from alcohol and other drugs between 2021 and 2025.
Health and wellbeing strategy
Read the strategy in full or find out the key themes.
Bristol Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation strategy
Information about the Bristol Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Strategy.
Bristol Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence strategy
Information about the Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence strategy 2024 to 2027.
Social isolation
Read about social isolation; one of the priorities in Bristol’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy.
Direct Payments Policy and procedure
The Direct Payments Policy ensures Direct Payments are delivered safely, efficiently and effectively.
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
Information on the health and wellbeing needs of the people of Bristol.
The Local Offer
Information on the SEND Local Offer: find local support for children and young people with special educational needs or a disability.
Joint commissioning strategy for SEND services for children and young people in Bristol
Our joint commissioning approach to deliver on the strategic aims and ambitions for our children and young people with SEND.
Children, Young People and Families
Information on services that promote the health and wellbeing of children and families in Bristol.
Social Care Workforce Race Equality Standard Action Plan
Our annual Workplace Race Equality Standard (WRES) Programme Action Plan.
Suicide prevention
What we're doing to reduce and prevent suicide in Bristol.
Bristol’s Young Carers Strategy
This strategy outlines a Young Carers strategy for the city of Bristol.
Adult Social Care Co-Production Policy
What it is, why we are working this way, our policy, and further resources.