What it is, why we are working this way, our policy, and further resources.
What is Co-Production?
Co-productive approaches are now universally recognised as best practice in Adult Social Care and NHS contexts.
Co-Production is a way of working that's inclusive and includes people's experiences. The definition of, and the ways to undertake Co-Production, are outlined in our Co-Production Policy below.
Why are we working this way?
The Co-Production Policy was initiated by Bristol City Council's Adults and Communities Directorate to fulfil the Council's commitment to Co-Production as outlined in the Corporate Strategy 2022-27.
Co-Production makes real the commitments in our Corporate Strategy (2022-2027), Adult Social Care Vision, and Adult Social Care Commissioning Strategy.
There has also been a recognition within Adult Social Care of the benefits of Co-Production in terms of democratic involvement and inclusion, and the growing understanding that when services are co-produced by those who use them in their everyday lives, they are more likely to work.
How did this come about?
The need for a Co-Production policy emerged after several Adult Social Care projects suffered difficulties and complications due to a lack of an established way of undertaking Co-Production.
Adult Social Care is now committed to bringing Co-Production into practice where it can. As a result, our Executive Director of the Adults and Communities Directorate has acted as a leader on Co-Production in the South West region, speaking on the subject with the council's Adult Social Care Co-Production Officer at the annual National Children and Adult Services Conference in 2023.
There are several resources that have been created to support Adult Social Care with undertaking Co-Production in their projects.
The policy includes a clear definition of Co-Production and aims to provide a how-to guide for Bristol City Council officers undertaking Co-Production in Adult Social Care projects. It was approved by the Adult Social Care Committee in October 2024.
Policy resource pack
Council officers can download and adjust this resource pack for their use. This will help with any Co-Production or participation projects.
Payment for involvement guidance
- Payment for involvement guidance
We want to give greater power to communities to make decisions that affect them.
Payment for involvement removes financial barriers which might stop people taking part. It means a broader range of people may be able to get involved.
This is an internal document specific to Adult Social Care in Bristol City Council but if you would like to find out more, contact: co-productionASC@bristol.gov.uk.
Reading list
Learn about Co-Production projects we have run and other local authorities' experiences with Co-Production and best practice.
A Co-Production and Participation Contact List and Co-Production in Commissioning Toolkit has also been developed to aid Adult Social Care Officers in their work to embed Co-Production.
Embedding Co-Production in Adult Social Care
The working group who co-produced the policy have now changed into the ‘Co-Production Policy Advisory Group' who meet quarterly.
Council officers can go to this group for advice on how to use the policy, and the group will also be reviewing and monitoring the effectiveness and use of the policy.
If you would like to find out more about our use of Co-Production, contact: co-productionASC@bristol.gov.uk.