What we're doing to reduce and prevent suicide in Bristol.
Our suicide prevention strategy, action plan and annual report support part of the Bristol One City plan to become a zero suicide city.
Suicide prevention strategy
The pdf 2022 to 2025 Suicide Prevention Strategy(719 KB) includes:
- our vision
- partnerships
- monitoring and evaluation
- accountability
- local voices
- examples of action
- evidence and data
Suicide prevention action plan
The pdf 2022 to 2023 Suicide prevention action plan for Bristol(210 KB) explains what we're doing to achieve the suicide prevention strategy, by working with:
- the NHS
- local employers
- schools and universities
- communities and the voluntary sector
- police and criminal justice service
The plan has 7 themes following the suicide prevention strategy for England including:
- support for bereaved people
- reduce risk in high risk groups
- improve mental health in specific groups, including children and young people and users of drugs and alcohol
- reduce access to things that people can use to end their own life
- work with local news media to make sure suicide and suicidal behaviour is reported responsibly
- collect and monitor research and data
- reduce rates of self harm
Suicide in Bristol annual report
We report the outcomes of the action plan in the pdf 2023 Preventing suicide in Bristol annual report(441 KB) which is presented annually to our Health and Wellbeing Board.
If you need these documents in an alternative format, email PH.Business@bristol.gov.uk