You might be able to apply for a discount on your council tax bill if you or someone you live with is severely mentally impaired.
Severely mentally impaired (SMI) refers to someone who has 'a severe impairment of intelligence and social functioning, however caused, which appears to be permanent'.
To qualify, a doctor must certify the condition as severe and permanent, affecting both intellectual and social functioning. This includes individuals with Alzheimer's, dementia, and similar conditions.
Eligibility criteria
The council tax account holder must be over 18 years old and receiving at least one of the following benefits:
- attendance allowance
- personal independence payment (standard or enhanced daily living component)
- disability living allowance (higher or middle-rate care component)
- universal credit including an element for limited capability for work
- severe disablement allowance
- incapacity benefit
- increase in disablement pension due to constant attendance being needed
- unemployability supplement or allowance
- constant attendance allowance
- income support which includes a disability premium
- armed forces independence payment
- disability working allowance based on getting income support including disability premium
Amount of discount
- SMI person living alone: 100% discount
- SMI person living with an adult carer: 50% discount
- SMI person living with one qualifying adult: 25% discount
- SMI person living with two or more qualifying adults: No discount
How to apply
- You will need to provide proof of your entitlement to the eligible benefit.
- You will either need your doctor to sign and certify the application or grant permission for the council tax department to contact your doctor.
- You can complete and upload your evidence on our discount and exemptions form. You'll need to download and complete the pdf doctors section of the SMI application form (128 KB) .
- You can also download and complete the pdf full SMI application form (193 KB) .
If you hold a Power of Attorney or have a court-appointed deputy in place, you can provide evidence of this to help support your application.
If you would like us to post an application or if you need information the application in large print, easy read, audio recording, British Sign Language or Braille or in a different language, contact us.
How to submit your application
- Online: Complete an application and upload your evidence on our discount and exemptions form
- Post: Send your completed application to; Revenues CH, PO Box 3399, Bristol City Council, Bristol, BS1 9NE
- Visit: Hand your completed application to our Citizen Advisor at our Citizen Service Point at 100 Temple Street, Bristol BS1 6AG