Our responsibilities around modern day slavery, making a National Referral Mechanism (NRM) report, modern slavery and exploration resources.
As a local authority, we have an important role to play in tackling modern slavery. This includes:
- finding and supporting victims of modern slavery
- working in partnership with other local organisations
We're responsible for:
- finding and referring victims
- supporting victims, for example safeguarding children and adults with care and support needs, and offering housing and homelessness services
- offering community safety services and disruption activities
- making sure that the supply chains we use are free from modern slavery
Read more information on the adult victims' protocol for local authorities.
You think someone is the victim of modern slavery (Duty to Notify)
Under the Modern Slavery Act, we have a duty to tell the Home Office if we think someone might be victim of slavery or human trafficking. This can be done anonymously.
Victims do not need to give their consent.
Visit the modern slavery pages on GOV.UK for more information on:
- the 'duty to notify' the Home Office
- what you need to do if you think someone has been a victim of modern slavery, including if a victim wants to remain anonymous
How we find and support victims of modern slavery
The National Referral Mechanism (NRM) is the UK process through which we can identify and support potential victims.
Local authorities are a designated first responder organisation. This means they can make referrals into the NRM process if the victim fully consents.
Other organisations include:
- the police
- the Salvation Army
- Unseen
Who can make an NRM report
Only designated and trained first responders should make an NRM report. This is because the decision as to whether someone is a victim or not partly depends on the information given in the form.
Consent is not needed for children under 18.
The Bristol safeguarding procedures apply before an NRM completed. If you suspect a child is a victim of modern slavery, you should refer them to social care.
For information on the process, see the National Referral Mechanism guidance adult (England and Wales).
What were doing
We work through the Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership which looks at keeping children and adults safe, and how to protect whole communities.
We work with Avon and Somerset Police and other law enforcement agencies to help stop those guilty of such crimes in Bristol, and bring them to justice.
Were part of the Avon and Somerset Anti-Slavery Partnership (ASP). The ASP:
- finds and supports victims of modern slavery
- works together to stop criminal activity
- prosecutes those responsible for modern slavery
For more information, email coordinator@aspartnership.org.uk.
To make sure there's no modern slavery in our services and supply chains, were developing a transparency statement and action plan. We'll publish it in autumn 2021.
We give training and information to help front line staff:
- spot the signs of modern slavery
- know how to report it
- work closely with our partners to find and support potential victims
- bring criminals to justice
Read our pdfModern slavery transparency statement 2021 to 2022. (pdf, 305 KB)
Modern slavery and exploitation resources
For more information around modern slavery and exploitation, see: