What a home condition survey is, what it includes, what to expect and the survey length.

What a home condition survey is and what it includes 

A condition survey helps us make sure that your property is safe and allows us to plan for any future upgrades. Our surveyors will visit your home occasionally to check its condition.

A condition survey is a visual inspection of the fixtures and fittings of a property.

The surveyor will collect information and photos of key components such as kitchen, bathroom, doors, windows and boiler.

Once all the surveys are complete, the data will be used to help us plan for future maintenance and improvement programmes.

The completion of the home condition survey is not an indication that your home is scheduled for any planned work to be completed. The five-year frequency of the survey means that in most cases several surveys will be completed before any work is deemed necessary.

When to expect a home condtion survey 

We aim to complete a condition survey in each property every 5 years. If a condition survey is due on your home, you'll get a notification letter.

If you have received an notification letter and wish to contact us about your survey, email HomeConditionSurveys@Bristol.co.uk or call the Citizens service centre on 0117 922 2200.

Area the surveyors will need access to 

The surveyor will need access to all rooms, downstairs and upstairs, cellars, roof spaces, gardens and external boundaries. They'll look at the condition of the property, not at how clean or tidy it is.

Survey length 

The length of inspection will depend on the size of your property and the complexity of the survey form.

For most instances, the survey will take less than one hour including up to half an hour inside.

Reporting repair and housing management issues to the surveyor 

The surveyors are trained to collect all necessary data for planned maintenance.

They will not collect data about minor repairs such as leaking taps and are not trained to help you with housing management questions. These should be reported to us via the Citizen Service Centre on 0117 922 2200 or through the report a repair page.