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Social housing is a valuable asset, which provides security and stability to people in housing need. Those who commit tenancy fraud deprive these people who are in genuine need. This is unacceptable, and the Council, as a landlord, has a duty to make the best use of public resources by ensuring that homes are properly managed, and that tenancy fraud is prevented.

Tackling this issue is a priority, as it affects both residents and communities, removing accommodation from those in most need. The Council is committed to having a dedicated resource available to investigate complaints of tenancy fraud, and, if found to be taking place, action will be taken, including prosecution if appropriate.

Bristol adopts a zero tolerance approach to tenancy fraud, and will work with, and support, other agencies and social housing providers to stop tenancy fraud, and make the most of its social housing.

Examples of tenancy fraud:

  • not living in a council or housing association property as the main residence
  • letting a council or housing association property to someone else
  • continuing to live in a council or housing association property after the tenant has left or died
  • making false claims on an application for a social housing property

Report tenancy fraud