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Where you can hold an event, what events you can and can't hold, how to ask for permission, what happens after you apply.

Ask to hold an event in an outdoor space or park

For events to go ahead, you must show your ability to run the event safely and assess the risk to your business.

You should also consider:

  • that we must consult with Bristol City Council colleagues, such as those working in civil protection and public health
  • the time and capacity needed to process licence applications in accordance with statutory processes as standard process and timelines must be followed
  • getting approval if needed from other key council departments such as Highways, Licensing and Environmental Health
  • the availability of medical, police and fire services in the city to support the planning and delivery of events
  • consulting with local residents, businesses and Councillors 

How to apply

Read our Guide for events organisers before you apply to help you plan and manage your events effectively, safely, legally and in line with the standards expected by Bristol City Council and Bristol's Safety Advisory Group (SAGE).

Email site.permissions@bristol.gov.uk to ask about holding an event on BCC land or green spaces.

If we agree to your initial proposal

You'll need to apply through eventapp.

You'll need to show how your event aligns with our priorities and criteria for agreement to an event when you submit your EventApp application.

You'll need to upload copies of your documents, including: 

  • detailed Event Management Plan (EMP)
  • traffic management plan 
  • food hygiene certificates and insurance 
  • fairground rides insurance (ADIP's / PIP's)
  • CMD plans 
  • your event policies including Accessibility, Sustainability, Equality and Inclusion 
  • lost child and vulnerable adult policy
  • detailed site map and site plans 
  • proof of public liability Insurance
  • risk assessment 

After you apply

We'll send your documents to our Safety Advisory Group for Events (SAGE) and other agencies for consultation and will tell you about any feedback.

You may need attend a SAGE meeting where your event will be discussed and paperwork reviewed by SAGE members.

The whole process can take between 8 to 12 weeks from when you send your initial proposal to your event being approved. This timescale depends on the event, location and the capacity. Large scale events can take up to 12 months planning. See our Guide for event organisers for more details. 

Event licences

As well as applying for site permission, if you're holding an event you must apply for any licences that you need, such as a:

Email licensing@bristol.gov.uk if you have questions about licences.

Street events

You should allow:

  • 10 weeks to apply for the road closure and premises license
  • 10 to 12 weeks to apply for the site permission and a Section 16 

Find details on our Guide to closing a road for a street party or event.

Parks Activities

You must ask us for byelaw permission to provide a service you charge for in a park or green space. This includes: 

  • fitness training and boot camp
  • hot air ballooning
  • Nordic walking
  • forest schools
  • outdoor school clubs and professional dog walking

For more information check out what you can do in our parks.