Learn how to track applications and get email updates on planning applications.
What you can do at Planning Online:
- see details of planning applications, appeals and enforcement cases
- look at plans and documents, including officer's report and decision notice (for applications received after 1 August 2005)
- look at a weekly list of applications and decisions
- see recent planning history and property details, including maps and constraints
- make comments on applications that haven't been decided yet
You can normally look at plans and documents associated with new applications within five working days of us validating the application. If you can't see them, wait a few days and try again.
If you register with Planning Online, you can:
- get email updates when applications are registered
- get email updates when applications progress
- create search profiles so you can carry out a search again
- save search results
- track specific applications
Making copies of planning material
Plans, drawings and material such as comments are protected by copyright.
You can only download or print planning material:
- for using in consultations
- to compare current applications with earlier schemes
- to check if completed developments have followed approved plans
You can't make more copies without permission from the copyright owner. The copyright owner's name will be on the plans.
Service limitations
You can't use map services and the address book between 11.30pm and 1am each evening. You can still use the main planning system at this time.
The planning history on Planning Online is incomplete. Don't use this as a substitute for a formal Land Charges Search at GOV.UK. We can't take responsibility for any errors or omissions in the planning history on Planning Online.
Information on Planning Online is not a formal notification of a planning decision. If you take any action based on information on Planning Online, this is at your own risk.
We haven't been able to check the accuracy of site boundaries back to 1947. If you find a mistake, contact us and we'll correct it.
Privacy statement
Read our privacy statement and our pdf Planning Online privacy notice(162 KB) to see what we do with your personal information.