Information about Bristol primary schools, find a primary school, admission arrangements and how places were allocated in previous years.
Find your nearest primary school
Use our school finder, enter your postcode to find your nearest primary school Go to (opens new window) and school Headteacher and contact details.
We recommend you visit your preferred schools.
Split Site Schools
If a school has more than one site the home to school distance will be measured from the midpoint between the two sites.
Schools with split sites in September 2025 are Ashton Gate Primary, Cotham Gardens, Holymead Primary School, St John's C of E VC Primary, St Werburgh's Primary and Southville Primary.
Term dates
Bristol schools term and holiday dates
Types of school
Different types of primary schools in Bristol
Admission arrangements
See Bristol school reception places and admissions policies for :
- school website address
- planned admission number for 2025
- type of school
- age range
- number on role
- number of on time applications last year
- admissions policy for 2025
- pdf Delayed deferred and accelerated entry to school(151 KB)
You must have written agreement from you preferred schools to accept an application for a child working outside their chronological year group before making an online application.
Contact your preferred school as soon as possible to ensure you receive a response to your request before the common application form closing date of 15 January 2025.
Allocation of places in previous years
How places by school were allocated for reception places in previous years.
See primary school place appeals for details of applications and outcome of Bristol primary school appeals last year.
Furthest distance table
The furthest distance table gives the furthest distance that places were offered in previous years where schools were oversubscribed.
Starting school later
Primary application for other year groups
For other year groups you should make an In Year application
Free school meals
Find out if your child can get free school meals and how to apply.
Home to school travel
Find out if your child can get support with home to school travel and how to apply.