Delayed school start if your child is not ready to go to school in the September of the school year in which they are 5 years old.

We offer a school place to every child in Bristol in the September after their fourth birthday. This is the normal time for your child to start school.

Term dates 2025 to 2026

Children who were born between 1 September 2020 and 31  August 2021 will be offered a school place to start from September 2025.

The compulsory school age that your child must be in full-time education is the term after their fifth birthday. 

You can ask that your child starts reception class:

  • in September part-time until they reach compulsory school age
  • later in the academic year
  • the following September if they are a summer born child

Your child must be in full-time education when they reach compulsory school age.

Deferment dates

If you want to defer entry you must still apply for school place for your child by 15 January 2025 so that a place at the school is kept open for your child.

You can't defer entry to reception after term 5. If your child hasn't started school by the beginning of term 5 their place at the school will be lost, and you'll need to put in a new application for a place in Year 1 at the school.  You're not guaranteed a place at your preferred school.

If your child was born between:

  • 1 September 2020 to 31 December 2020 you can defer their place until 6 January 2026
  • 1 January 2021 to 31 Aug 2021 you can defer their place until 20 Apr 2026

Summer born children

Summer born children are children born from 1 April to 31 August. They don't have to start school until a full school year after the date at which they could first have been admitted. So when other children in their age group are beginning Year 1 you may want your child to be admitted to reception, rather than Year 1.

This means they'll be starting school out of their normal age group, the admission authority for your preferred school(s) will make a decision if this is possible on the basis of the circumstances and best interests of your child.

You must have written agreement from you preferred schools to accept an application for a child working outside their chronological year group before making an online application.

Contact your preferred school as soon as possible to ensure you receive a response to your request before the common application form closing date of 15 January 2025.

pdf Delayed and Deferred Entry to School Information for Parents and Carers(120 KB)

pdf Delayed, deferred and accelerated admissions process(151 KB)

You can use the document Delayed Entry to School Form(32 KB)  when you apply for your child to start reception later. You can also use  the completed form when you talk to schools seeking their agreement to your child starting later.

You preferred school may need you to complete a supplementary information form (SIF) when requesting your child's delayed entry to school.