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Pay Bristol's Clean Air Zone daily charge if your vehicle doesn't meet the required emission standards.

From Monday 28 November 2022 you must pay to drive within the zone if your vehicle does not meet the zone's emissions standards, unless you're exempt.

Charges apply 24 hours a day, midnight to midnight, 365 days of the year.

You can pay the zone charge:

  • up to six days before travel

  • on the day of travel

  • up to six days after you enter the zone

If you do not pay the charge you will be issued with a Penalty Charge Notice of £120 as well as the CAZ charge. This is reduced to £60 plus the CAZ charge if you pay it within 14 days.

You can enter or leave the zone as many times as you like each day you pay a charge and only be charged once for that day.

 If you drive in the zone across two days, for example before midnight and after midnight, you will need to pay two daily charges.

Charges do not apply if a vehicle is parked in the zone but does not move.

If you live within the zone and drive a non compliant vehicle, you will only be charged if you make a journey.

Businesses can set up a business account to manage payments for multiple vehicles.

We don't give refunds if you paid the zone charge in advance but then didn't travel through the zone on that day. Only pay in advance if you are certain that you are going to travel into the zone.


The Clean Air Zone payment system is managed nationally and any queries relating to the payment process should be directed to national Clean Air Zone Support on 0300 029 8888.

How to know if you've driven in the zone

You will not be notified if you have driven in the zone and it's your responsibility to pay any charges.

There are road signs that tell you if you are approaching or entering the Clean Air Zone. These are at regular intervals as you approach the zone boundary. Signs have a clearly marked green cloud with the letter ‘D' inside.

You can check if you entered the zone on our Clean Air Zone map.

Bristol's Clean Air Zone charges
Vehicle categoryDaily charge
Private petrol cars £9
Private diesel cars £9
Taxis £9
Light Goods Vehicle (under 3.5t.) £9
Heavy Goods Vehicle (over 3.5t.) £100
Buses £100
Coaches £100