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How to request a film for classification in the Bristol City Council area.

Most films are released nationwide and classified for showings in all local authority areas by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC).

The licensing authority may classify films itself, either films which have not already been classified by the BBFC, or considering whether a different classification is appropriate for showings of films within the Bristol City Council area which have already been classified by the BBFC.

The licensing authority has set out its film classification policy at Appendix B of the Statement of Licensing Policy

A request for classification of a film may be made by submitting:

  • a physical copy of the film, or link to where it may be viewed
  • a synopsis of the film
  • the length of the film
  • the appropriate fee

Submissions can be made by emailing the licensing team at licensing@bristol.gov.uk.

The fees are:

  • minimum charge for first 60 minutes of film or part thereof: £45
  • additional charge for each additional 15 minutes of film or part thereof: £11.50