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Information on street trading, renewing or applying for a new street trading consent or licence.

What is street trading?

If you want to sell or offer for sale any article in a street you must have a street trading licence or street trading consent. There are a number of streets in Bristol where street trading is prohibited.

Street trading is regulated under Schedule 4 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 .

If you're selling goods on foot, door to door, place to place or town to town you may require a pedlars certificate (Ask Police website).

Street trading policy

The pdf Street Trading Policy (158 KB) identifies three designations that can be placed on any street.

  • Licensed streets: if a street is designated as a 'licence street' then applications can be made to trade in articles described in the application on certain days on that street. Applications for street trading licences will continue to be considered on a case by case basis.
  • Prohibited streets: if a street is designated as a 'prohibited street' then a criminal offence is committed by any person engaging in street trading in that street.
  • Consent streets: most streets are identified as consent streets with the exception of prohibited and licence streets.

pdf Street trading guidance (330 KB) for applicants details street designations and what to consider when you submit an application for street trading in Bristol.

Will tacit consent apply?

Yes. This means that you'll be deemed granted if you've not heard from the local authority by the end of the target completion period. If representations are received, your application will be placed before the licensing committee for determination.

The target completion period of 150 calendar days will not commence until a complete application is submitted.


You need to pay the fee for street trading when your consent or licence is granted. 

Central Area (including Central, Clifton and Clifton East wards)

  • £24.50 per day
  • £146.50 per week
  • £589 per month
  • £1,761 per quarter
  • £13 per day for charitable or educational purposes

Outside of the central area

  • £12 per day
  • £448 per quarter
  • £6 per day for charitable or educational purposes

Mobile traders

£510 per year

Renew a street trading consent or licence

If you already have a street trading consent or licence and want to renew it you'll need to:

  • complete the  document renewal form (38 KB)
  • send it to the Licensing team at least 10 working days and up to one month before your consent or licence expires
  • pay the relevant fee. You can pay by cheque or by calling 0117 357 4900

If you want to trade on specific dates you must include them on the renewal form.

You can send the renewal form by:

  • post: Licensing Team (Temple Street), Bristol City Council, PO Box 3399, Bristol, BS1 9NE
  • email: licensing@bristol.gov.uk 

If you don't apply for a renewal at least 10 working days before your consent or licence expires, you might not get your new consent or licence in time. If your consent or licence expires before you get a new one, you won't be able to trade. You might be committing an offence if you do.

If you don't renew your licence or consent before it expires, you'll need to apply for a new one. You won't be able to trade until a new licence or consent is issued. We won't be able to issue a temporary consent. 

Apply for a new consent or licence

There are a number of things you'll need to provide with your application.

You should read our  pdf street trading guidance (330 KB)  before applying for a licence.

Apply online

Apply for street trading consent on gov.uk website

Other ways to apply

Complete the  pdf application form (511 KB)   and the pdf street trading assistant form (30 KB) and:

  • post it to Licensing Team (Temple Street), Bristol City Council, PO Box 3399, Bristol, BS1 9NE.
  • email it to licensing@bristol.gov.uk    

What happens once I submit my application?

After we receive your application a consultation period will start. We'll consult with a number of agencies and you'll need to display a notice at the site you've applied for.

If no adverse comments are received or issues raised the application will usually be decided by the Licensing Manager or Licensing Team Leader.

If adverse comments remain unresolved the application will be referred to the Licensing Manager, or Licensing Team Leader. They may determine the application in consultation with the Chair of the Public Safety and Protection Committee.

They may decide to grant or refuse the application, or refer it for hearing by the Public Safety and Protection Committee.  

If your application is granted fees must be paid. Please see the pdf guidance document for applicants (330 KB)  for further information.

If you want someone else to discuss your application

If you want someone else to discuss your application or licence with us on your behalf, you'll need to give us written permission.

Comments on applications

A register of all current street trading applications can be found in the downloadable files section of this page.

Applications for street trading are normally subject to a public consultation.

For static sites the consultation is targeted at local occupiers who are likely to be affected by the operation of that site. A site notice will be placed at the proposed site providing details of the application.

Due to the extent of an area that a mobile trader may cover targeted consultation is not possible, but all current applications are detailed in the register.

Should you wish to comment on an application your response must be submitted to the Licensing Team within the 21 day representation period.

A full copy of your response will be provided to the applicant (excluding your name, address and personal details).  

Failed application redress

There is no right of appeal to a decision to refuse an application for street trading consent.

Consumer complaint

We would always advise that in the event of a complaint the first contact is made with the trader by you, preferably in the form a letter (with proof of delivery).

If that has not worked, if you are located in the UK, Citizens Advice Bureau will give you advice. From outside the UK contact the UK European Consumer Centre.