Apply for a licence for a sexual entertainment venue, a sex shop, or a sex cinema.
You may need a licence if you want to run:
- a sexual entertainment venue, which is any premises where there's a performance primarily intended to sexually stimulate the audience
- a sex shop, which is any premises primarily selling sex toys, books or videos
- a venue where explicit films are shown to members of the public
In certain circumstances, you might be able to ask us for a licence waiver. We'll consider requests on a case-by-case basis.
Contact us if you want to ask for a waiver.
Who can apply for a sex establishment licence
To apply for a sex establishment licence, you must:
- be at least 18 years old
- have been resident in the UK at least 6 months when you apply, or be incorporated in the UK if you're a body corporate
- not be disqualified from holding a sex establishment licence
- not have been refused a new or renewed licence for the premises in the last 12 months, unless the refusal has been reversed on appeal
Apply for a new licence or renew an existing licence
You can apply:
- online on GOV.UK (sex shops and sex cinemas only)
- by post
Apply online
Apply for a sex shop and cinema licence (GOV.UK)
When you apply on GOV.UK, please upload our docapplication form (doc, 229 KB) and docapplication annexes (doc, 95 KB) to your application.
Apply by post
You'll need to:
- fill in the docapplication form (doc, 229 KB) and docapplication annexes (doc, 95 KB)
- send your application form, annexes, and documents to:
- the Licencing Team, and
- the Chief Officer of Police
- advertise the application on your premises, you can use docthe public notice (doc, 25 KB)
- advertise the application in a local newspaper, you can use docthe public notice (doc, 25 KB)
The wording on the public notice should be the same on the premises as it is in the newspaper.
Send your application to:
Licensing Team (Temple Street)
Bristol City Council
PO Box 3399, Bristol BS1 9NE
Chief Officer of Police
First Floor, PO Box 3119
Bristol, BS1 9GG.
Sexual entertainment venues
Grant: £9,370
Renewal: £6,240
Transfer: £410
Variation: £410
Withdrawn application: rebate calculated on a case by case basis
Sex shops or cinemas
Grant: £9,370
Renewal: £2,340
Transfer: £410
Variation: £410
Withdrawn application: rebate calculated on a case by case basis
Register of Applications
Our list of applications received is updated weekly in the downloadable files at the end of this page.
You can make an objection to a licence application by email to