The closing date for expressions of interest was 26 October 2020. This was followed by a detailed selection process to identify a new community-based organisation to take the farm forward.

We've now completed an interim lease with Hartcliffe City Farm Go to (opens new window). This new organisation will be working together with the local community to transform the farm into a valuable community resource. It will be an important driver of the local economy, providing jobs, training and enterprise opportunities.

Re-opening will take place in several stages. The site will remain free to the public and will host a mix of visitor activities.

During 2022, the Council will be working closely with Hartcliffe City Farm and will consider granting a lease for a much longer term, to help secure the long-term security of the farm as a community hub and countryside resource centre.

The farm site is 11 hectares, at Hartcliffe Community Farm, Lampton Avenue, Bristol BS13 0QH.

Application requirements

You'll be expected to provide the necessary investment and make maximum use of the space and facilities that the various farm buildings and the fields offer.

You'll also need to share the vision for the Community Farm, and have the necessary expertise to manage this facility to turn it into a thriving community hub and countryside resource centre.

View the pdf brief for CAT of Hartcliffe Community Farm(3.83 MB)  for the:

  • details of the property
  • expected uses
  • outputs that we expect of a future tenant
  • application process

Supporting information

Email if you have any difficulties accessing these documents.