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Information and advice on community and disabled persons transport in Bristol.

There's a range of Community Transport services available across the West of England region.

Community Transport

Lawrence Weston Community Transport

Lawrence Weston Community Transport (LWCT) operates a wheelchair friendly bus service for the community through the week from Lawrence Weston to a number of locations. Join by calling 0117 329 4647.

CATT (Hartcliffe and Withywood)

The CATT community bus is a fully accessible transport service for its members based in South Bristol.

The service offers trips to local shopping destinations, community centres and regular day trips.

To join call 0117 377 3451 or email thecattbus@hwcp.org.uk


Shopmobility provides manual and powered wheelchairs, and scooters, to help people with mobility impairments get about in Broadmead, Cabot Circus and central Bristol.

The Sprint (Knowle)

The Sprint Community Transport is a membership to a door to door community transport service (including wheelchair access) available weekdays to anyone living or working in Knowle West. Contact the team on 0117 904 1220 to join.

Transport for disabled people

Parking for disabled drivers

Visit Parking Facilities for Disabled Drivers to find out:

  • about Blue Badges
  • Where disabled drivers can park

Accessible taxis

Hackney carriages with wheelchair access can be found at taxi ranks throughout Bristol, find out more information and see a list of owners/operators that are available.

Buses and concessionary bus pass

By law all buses must:

  • be accessible for disabled users
  • have space for at least one wheelchair on board

The Travelwest journey planner has information about accessible bus stops.

You can apply to get a concessionary bus pass from our online form.

Dependent upon your age or qualifying disability you can apply for a Diamond Travelcard, this gives you free bus travel after 0900 on Mondays to Fridays and all day at weekends in Bristol, South Gloucestershire, Bath and North East Somerset and North Somerset. For more information contact 01454 868004.


You can apply for a Disabled Persons Railcard if you have a disability that makes travelling by train difficult.