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This is the online version of the register of applications under Section 53(5) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 for a definitive map modification order (DMMO).

These applications are commonly referred to as public rights of way 'claims'. See our Public Rights of Way Service page for more information.

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Register of applications

Reference: GM04/140
Intended effect: Add footpath between Willinton Road to Airport Road'
Location: Start at GR 5997769578 between 45 and 47 Willinton Road, finish at GR 60026948 on Airport Road
Ward and nearest postcode: Filwood, BS4 1HT
Applicant: 'The Ramblers' Association (Bristol Ramblers Group), 1 Clink Street, 3rd Floor, London SE1 9DG
Date recorded: 12.02.2023
Date validated: Validated by Legal Services on 17 January 2023
General note: Awaiting investigation
Contact: Public Rights of Way Officer, Highways and Traffic.
Email: highways.traffic@bristol.gov.uk 
Telephone: 0117 903 6822

pdf DMMO Application and Map – Ramblers' Association - GM04/140 (2.70 MB)

Reference: GM04/166
Intended effect: Add footpath between Public Footpaths BCC/156 and BCC/310.
Location: Start at GR 63117654 on junction between Public Footpaths BCC/156/30 and BCC/158/10, finish at GR 63097670 on junction with Public Footpath BCC/310.
Ward and nearest postcode: Frome Vale, BS16 2FW
Applicant: The Ramblers' Association (Bristol Ramblers Group), 1 Clink Street, 3rd Floor, London SE1 9DG
Date recorded: 19.06.2023
Date validated: Validate by Legal Services on 26 June 2023
General note: Awaiting investigation
Contact: Public Rights of Way Officer, Highways and Traffic.
Email: highways.traffic@bristol.gov.uk
Telephone: 0117 903 6822

pdf DMMO Application and Map: Ramblers' Association – GM04/166 (611 KB)

Reference: IEO/1500 Intended effect: Add a footpath between Penpole Lane and existing footpath BCC/565, Penpole Wood. Location: Start point GR 53637710 and finish point GR 53947720
Ward and nearest postcode: Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston, BS11 0EA
: Donald P Alexander, 63 Trymside, Sea Mills, Bristol BS9 2HD
Date recorded: 18.12.2018
Date validated: Validated by Legal Services on 1 October 2019
General note: Awaiting investigation.
Contact: Public Rights of Way Officer, Highways & Traffic.
Email: highways.traffic@bristol.gov.uk
Tel: 0117 903 6822

pdf DMMO Application & Map – IEO/1500 (441 KB)  

Reference: GM04/146
Intended effect: Add footpaths within Moorgrove Wood.
Location: Footpaths within Moorgrove Wood, Bristol
Ward and nearest postcode: Henbury and Brentry, BS10 7XF
Applicant: Paul Barrington, 26 Woodgrove Road, Blaise, Bristol BS10 7RE
Date recorded: 28.11.2023
Date validated: Validated by Legal Services on 28 November 2022
General note: Awaiting investigation
Contact: Public Rights of Way Officer, Highways & Traffic.
Email: highways.traffic@bristol.gov.uk
Tel: 0117 903 6822

pdf DMMO Application & Map – P Barrington – GM04/146 (550 KB)

Reference: IE0/1644
Intended effect: Add footpath between Woodgrove Road and public footpath BCC/21.
Location: Start Point GR 355885.744, 178887.939 & Finish Point GR 355868.713, 178940.516
Ward and nearest postcode: Henbury & Brentry, BS10 7RE. 
Applicants: Wendy Hull, 36 Woodgrove Road, Blaise, Bristol, BS10 7RE
Date recorded: 18 November 2019
Date validated:  25 November 2019
General note: Awaiting investigation.
Contact: Public Rights of Way Officer, Highways and Traffic.
Email: highways.traffic@bristol.gov.uk 
Tel: 0117 903 6822

pdf DMMO application Woodrow Road (3.64 MB)

 Reference: IE0/1415
Intended effect: Add footpaths between West Dene and Stoke Lodge, Cheyne Road and Druid Hill, Cheyne Road and Stoke Lodge, Cheyne Road and West Dene.
Location: Start Point GR 356002.751, 176611.685 & Finish Point GR 355876.248, 176526.587. Start Point GR 355790.336, 176717.032 & Finish Point GR 356111.447, 176311.368. Start Point GR 355790.336, 176717.032 & Finish Point GR 355876.248, 176526.587. Start Point GR 355790.336, 176717.032 & Finish Point GR 356002.751, 176611.685.
Ward and nearest postcode: Stoke Bishop, BS9 1BN. 
Applicants: Alan William Preece, 12 South Dene, Stoke Bishop, Bristol BS9 2BW.
Date recorded: 30 May 2018
Date validated:  7 June 2018
General note: Investigation commenced.
Contact: Public Rights of Way Officer, Highways and Traffic.
Email: highways.traffic@bristol.gov.uk  Tel. 0117 903 6822

pdf DMMO application and map A W Preece IE0/1415 (257 KB)


Reference: ID3/83
Intended effect: Add a footpath from Argyle Place (children's play area) to Cliftonwood Terrace
Location: Start Point GR 57467257, Finish Point GR 57457252
Ward and nearest postcode: Clifton Wood, BS8 4RH Clifton Ward
Applicant: Clifton Wood Action Group, C/o 33 Ambrose Road, Clifton Wood, Bristol BS8 4RJ
Date received: 20.04.1998
Date validated: Validated by Legal Services in 1998
General notes: Memorandum of 21.04.2010 seeking approval for dedication of alternative right of way. Delegated authority given in May 2010 to progress formal dedication. Awaiting Legal Services conclusion of land transfer to City Council.
Contact: Public Rights of Way Officer, Highways & Traffic. Email: highways.traffic@bristol.gov.uk  Tel. 0117 903 6822 pdf (1.00 MB)

pdf DMMO application and map Clifton Wood Action Group 1998 IC3/83  (1.00 MB)  


Reference: ID3/788
Intended effect: Add footpath from Arnall Drive to corner of field, Trymwood Close.
Location: Start Point GR56787858 & Finish Point GR56547863
Ward and nearest postcode: Arnall Drive Open Space, Henbury Ward 
Applicants: Rosemarie Rendu-Jefferies, 'Oaklands' Lodge Hill, Bristol BS15 1LP & Barry Josham of 57 Arnall Drive, Henbury, Bristol BS10 7AR
Date recorded: 06.03.14
Date validated: Validated by Legal Services on 18 August 2014
General note: Awaiting investigation
Contact: Public Rights of Way Officer, Highways & Traffic. Email: highways.traffic@bristol.gov.uk  Tel. 0117 903 6822

pdf DMMO application and map R Rendu-Jefferies B Josham ID3/788  (903 KB)


Reference: ID3/640
Intended effect: Add footpaths from South Hayes and Parkside Gardens to Heath House Lane.
Location: Start Point GR 60887585 & GR 60957580. Finish Point GR 61187627
Ward and nearest postcode:  Stoke Park, Stapleton. BS5 6UA/6UB Lockleaze Ward.
Applicants: Jane Watts, 23 South Hayes, Stapleton, Bristol BS5 6UB.
Date recorded: 15.06.2006
Date validated: Validated by Legal Services on 15 March 2007.
General note: Investigation commenced.
Contact: Public Rights of Way Officer, Highways & Traffic. Email: highways.traffic@bristol.gov.uk  Tel. 0117 903 6822
pdf (425 KB)

pdf DMMO application and map J Watts ID3/640  (425 KB)


Reference: ID3/654
Intended effect: Add footpath between Ridgehill (adj. No. 31) and Sates Way to Public Right of Way No. 127
Location: Start Point GR 58447660 & Finish Point GR 58467659
Ward and nearest postcode: Golden Hill Sports Ground, BS9 4SB Henleaze Ward .
Applicants: Nigel Collins, 31 Ridgehill, Henleaze, Bristol BS9 4SB.
Date recorded: 14.10.2006
Date validated:  Validated by Legal Services on 24 November 2006.
General note: Awaiting investigation.
Contact: Public Rights of Way Officer, Highways & Traffic. Email: highways.traffic@bristol.gov.uk  Tel. 0117 903 6822

pdf DMMO application and map N Collins ID3/654  (389 KB)


Reference: ID3/651
Intended effect: Add footpath from Fishponds Road to Laburnum Grove.
Location: Start Point GR 63697598 & Finish Point GR 63687586.
Ward and nearest postcode: Hillfields, BS16 3XB Frome Vale Ward.
Applicants: Mr K Bright, 20 Radley Road, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 3TL.
Date recorded: 26.02.2007
Date validated: Application validated by Legal Services on 24 November 2016.
General note: Awaiting Investigation.
Contact: Public Rights of Way Officer, Highways and Traffic. Email: highways.traffic@bristol.gov.uk Tel. 0117 903 5822

pdf DMMO application and map K Bright ID3/651  (404 KB)


Reference: ID3/685
Intended effect: Add footpath from Broomhill/Frome Bridge Public Right of Way No 153 to PROW 153.
Location: Start Point GR 62157644 & Finish Point GR 62807639
Ward and nearest postcode: Broomhill/Blackberry Hill (Frome Bridge), BS16 1DL Frome Vale Ward.
Applicants: Susan Drake, 37 Timber Dene, Stapleton, Bristol BS16 1TJ
Date recorded: 28.06.2008
Date validated: Validated by Legal Services on 11 July 2008
General note: Applicant applied to the Secretary of State on 10.10.09 for a direction requiring the Authority to determine the application by a given date.
Contact: Head of Legal Services, Legal Services (CH), PO Box 3399, Bristol, BS1 9NE Quote Ref. DM.ID3/685. Tel. 0117 922 2000.

pdf DMMO (1.16 MB) pdf application and map S Drake ID3/685  (1.16 MB)


Reference: ID3/690 and ID3/746
Intended effect: Add three footpaths from Public Right of Way No. 227 (Points 'I' to 'G' via 'H'); and from Public Right of Way No. 223 (Points 'J' to 'K'); & from Public Right of Way No. 220 (Points 'L' to 'M').
Location: Start Point 'I' GR60517568, Point 'H' GR 60597580 to Point 'G' GR 60587584; Start Point 'J' GR60467561 to Point 'K' GR 60547555; Start Point 'L' GR60457560 to Point 'M' GR 60547554.
Ward and nearest postcode: Recreation Ground and open space, BS7 9NP South Purdown, Lockleaze Ward
Applicants: Susan Flint (for Friends of South Purdown), C/o 12 Tackley Road, Bristol BS5 6UQ.
Date of Decision & Minute No: PROW & Greens Committee 1.03.12  (Minute Ref. PROWG 17.3/10). PROW & Greens Committee 18.04.11  (Minute Ref. PROWG26.4/11).
Decision of Surveying Authority:  Committee resolved that applications for orders for routes G-H-I and J-K be refused, but to make an order for route L-M.  Committee subsequently resolved to make an order as directed by the Secretary of State for route G-H-I.
Date of Making of order: Order for route L-M made on 27.05.2010. Order for route G-H-I made on 12.04.2012.
Date of Confirmation of Order: Order for route L-M confirmed on 12.08.2010.  Order for route G-H-I confirmed on 26.07.2012.
Outcome of Appeal (if any) / Terms of Direction by SoS: Appeal Decision 15.03.11 Ref.NATROW/Z0116/529A/10/23 & 24. Council directed to make an order for Route G-H-I. Appeal dismissed for Route J-K.
Date recorded: 07.10.2008 (Claimed routes G-H-I and J-K) & 27.05.2009 (Claimed route L-M).
Date validated: Applications for routes G-H-I and J-K validated by Legal Services on 26 November 2008. Application for route L-M validated on 3 June 2009.
Contact: Public Rights of Way Officer, Highways and Traffic, Email: highways.traffic@bristol.gov.uk Tel. 0117 903 6822

pdf DMMO (973 KB) pdf application and maps S Flint ID3/690 and 3/746 (973 KB)


Reference: ID3/739
Intended effect: Add footpath from PROW 221 to PROW 220 (Point 'B' to Point 'C')
Location: Start Point 'B' GR60587563 to Finish Point 'C' GR 60637578.
Ward and nearest postcode: Public open space, BS7 9NP South Purdown, Lockleaze Ward.
Applicants: Susan Flint (for Friends of South Purdown), C/o 12 Tackley Road, Bristol BS5 6UQ.
Date recorded: 14.03.2011
Date validated: Validated by Legal Services on 21 September 2011
General note: Awaiting investigation.
Contact: Public Rights of Way Officer, Highways & Traffic. Email: highways.traffic@bristol.gov.uk  Tel. 0117 903 6822

pdf DMMO application and map S Flint ID3/739 (294 KB) pdf (294 KB)


Reference: GM04.195
Intended effect: Add footpath between Darley Close and existing footpath BCC/9
Location: Start point GR 355526 179243 and finish point GR 355498 179299
Ward and nearest postcode: Henbury & Brentry, BS10 7XJ
Applicant: The Ramblers' Association (Bristol Ramblers Group), 13 Dirty Lane, London SE1 9PA
Date recorded: 05.03.2024
Date validated: Validated by Legal Services on 19 March 2024
General note: Awaiting investigation.
Contact: Public Rights of Way Officer, Highways & Traffic. Email: highways.traffic@bristol.gov.uk Tel 0117 903 6822

pdf DMMO Application & Map: Ramblers' Association: GM04/195 (154 KB)