The law around proprietorship requisition for hackney carriage or private hire vehicle licence applications, and the interested parties form.

Proprietorship requisition

Section 40 Town Police Clauses Act 1847

Section 48 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976

This requisition forms a part of the application for a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle licence.

Your attention is drawn to the provisions of:

  • Section 40 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847, and
  • Section 48, sub section (3)(a) of the Local Government Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 reproduced overleaf

Section 40 Town Police Clauses Act 1847

Before any such licence is granted, a requisition for the same, in such form as the commissioners from time to time provide for that purpose, shall be made and signed by the proprietor or one of the proprietors of the hackney carriage in respect of which such licence is applied for; and in every such requisition shall be truly stated the name and surname and place of abode of the person applying for such licence, and of every proprietor or part proprietor of such carriage, or person concerned, either solely or in partnership with any other person, in the keeping, employing or letting to hire of such carriage; and any person who, on applying for such licence, states in such requisition the name of any person who is not a proprietor or part proprietor of such carriage, or who is not concerned as aforesaid in the keeping, employing or letting to hire of such carriage and also any person who wilfully omits to specify truly in such requisition as aforesaid the name of any person who is a proprietor or part proprietor of such carriage, or who is concerned as aforesaid in the keeping, employing or letting to hire of such carriage, shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding [level one on the standard scale].

Section 48 (3)(a) The Local Government (miscellaneous Provisions Act) 1976

48 (3) In every vehicle licence granted under this section there shall be specified 

(a) the name and address of

(i) the applicant; and

(ii) every other person who is a proprietor of the private hire vehicle in respect of which the licence is granted, or who is concerned, either solely or in partnership with any other person, in the keeping, employing, or letting on hire of the private hire vehicle.

Section 80 The Local Government (miscellaneous Provisions Act) 1976

"Proprietor" includes a part-proprietor and, in relation to a vehicle which is the subject of a hiring agreement or hire-purchase agreement, means the person in possession of the vehicle under that agreement.

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