Find out when you'll be invited to safeguarding training for hackney carriage or private hire drivers, what the training involves, training documents.
When to do the training
Since the introduction of our new Taxi Policy, there's a requirement for all drivers to attend a Safeguarding Training session.
If you're a current driver licence holder, you will have received email invitations to the sessions.
If you've not yet attended and passed you will need to before your taxi driver licence expires or we will be unable renew it.
Even if you've completed safeguarding training through a different team or organisation, you will need to attend one of these sessions.
The training session will last all day, and you need to attend the whole session, and pass both tests.
Safeguarding training session dates
We do not have any upcoming sessions scheduled, please keep checking this web page as we will update it as sessions become available.
Training and expiring taxi driving licence
If you haven't already completed the training, you will need to book one irrespective of when your taxi driver licence expires.
What the training involves
The training session will last all day. You must stay for all of the training. You can't bring other people with you to the training.
You'll need to bring a mobile device that can:
- access the internet
- read a QR code
You may need to install a QR code reader app if you have an older Apple or Android device. You can find free QR code reader apps from the Apple Store or Google Play.
During the training there'll be 2 multiple choice assessments. You'll need to pass these to finish the training. If you don't pass on the day, you can try again at home the day after. If you don't pass on the day of the training, or the day after, you'll need to do the training again.
Training documents
Download pdf essential information for safeguarding training(202 KB) which includes:
- how to report child safeguarding concerns
- where to find advice about adult protection
- how you can help someone having a mental health crisis
- contact details for mental health support services
Find pdf guidance for taxi drivers about child exploitation(400 KB) from Avon and Somerset police.