Renew your Hackney carriage or private hire driver licence.
You can renew your licence up to 6 weeks before it expires.
Applications can take up to 4 weeks to process so you should submit your application well in advance of the expiry date of your licence.
To renew your licence you'll need:
- your renewal reference number, which is on your renewal letter and is 13 characters long
- your current tax check code
- to be subscribed to the DBS update service
- a valid email address
- a credit or debit card
Make sure you use the right reference number for the licence you're applying for. The number is unique to that licence. Do not use it for more than one licence.
If you work for more than one operator, pick the one you work for most of the time.
Renew your hackney carriage driver licence
Renew your private hire driver licence
Applications take up to 4 weeks to be processed and for us to send your licence in the post.
Checks you'll need when renewing your licence
Medical check and DVLA check
You can still submit an application if:
- you're due a medical check or DVLA check
- you need to undertake safeguarding training
We will not be able to issue a licence until the checks or training are complete.
Right to licence check
Check if you need to complete a right to licence check.
If you do, you'll need to complete this before we can issue a licence.
Your responsibility to get the checks done
It's your responsibility to:
- know when these checks are due
- submit the relevant paperwork in good time
We accept no responsibility for delays in renewals caused by the late submission of checks or applications.
We are not required to send renewal reminders for licences or for checks due.
Licence lengths
You can renew your licence for one, two or three years, depending on the dates of your next DBS, DVLA and medical checks.
If you want to renew for three years, but your DVLA check isn't due, you can submit a new DVLA mandate in advance of your renewal application and pay the fee.
If you are not due any other checks within the three years, you should be able to have a three-year licence. Make sure you upload your DVLA mandate well in advance, but no more than 6 weeks ahead, of your renewal application.
If you want someone else to discuss your application or licence with us on your behalf, you'll need to give us written permission.
Driver licence fees
Our driver licence fees are:
- 1 Year: £128.50
- 2 Years: £191.50
- 3 Years: £231.00
pdf View all of our fees(159 KB)
If your licence has expired
If your licence has expired, you must apply for a new licence.
If you don't renew your licence
If you don't renew your licence before it expires, you won't be a licensed driver.
If your current licence has expired, or you're not sure you'll be able to renew on time, contact the licensing team.
Sharing your details
If your licence has been revoked, refused or suspended, we'll share your details with the National Anti-Fraud Network who have a national database of all revocations, refusals and suspensions.
Local Authorities are required to add this information to the database under the Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Act 2022. We also required to check all applications against this database.
See our Privacy notice for more details.