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The Bristol Library Strategy sets out the aims and goals of the library service from 2020 to 2024.

pdf View the Bristol Library Strategy 2020 to 2024 (4.32 MB)

Background to the strategy

The Library Strategy has built upon the discussions with:

The strategy has also been informed by the work done nationally by Libraries Connected, particularly the Universal Library Offers, and partner organisations such as The Reading Agency and the Carnegie Trust. 

The Library Service will work collaboratively with the community to ensure that libraries are sustainable and relevant for the future. While this is an overarching strategy for Bristol's libraries, it's expected that local libraries may develop in different ways to reflect the priorities of local communities.

This strategy takes into account what we know about:

  • The way the city is changing
  • Needs and ideas identified in previous consultations and engagement with communities, staff, service users and equalities groups
  • Measures about our current service provision and use
  • Costs to deliver library services