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Key priorities for the council, the principles that inform everything we do, and the things we must do by law.

The pdf Corporate Strategy (2022 to 2027) (9.02 MB)  sets out our contribution to the city and is our main strategic document. 

It informs everything the council does and sets out our main priorities for 2022 to 2027.

The Corporate Strategy outlines a vision of driving an inclusive, sustainable and healthy city of hope and aspiration where everyone can share the city's success. It also describes the activities we must do by law.

It's based on a wide-ranging review of evidence and needs-assessments and was co-created through a series of engagement events with elected political leaders, citizens, partners, and staff from across the council.

The Corporate Strategy's main priorities are informed by 5 key principles that influence everything we do:

  • Development and delivery
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Equality and inclusion
  • Resilience
  • World-class employment

It's also arranged around 7 main themes:

Children and young people: A city where every child belongs and every child gets the best start in life, whatever circumstances they were born into.

Economy and skills: Economic growth that builds inclusive and resilient communities, decarbonises the city and offers equity of opportunity.

Environment and sustainability: Decarbonise the city, support the recovery of nature and lead a just transition to a low-carbon future.

Health, care and wellbeing: Tackle health inequalities to help people stay healthier and happier throughout their lives.

Homes and communities: Healthy, resilient, and inclusive neighbourhoods with fair access to decent, affordable homes.

Transport and connectivity: A more efficient, sustainable, and inclusive connection of people to people, people to jobs and people to opportunity.

Effective development organisation: From city government to city governance: creating a focussed council that empowers individuals, communities, and partners to flourish and lead.

You can refer to these commitments using our pdf Corporate Strategy at-a-glance guide (6.68 MB) .

Business plan

Our current  pdf Business Plan 2024 to 2025 (10.98 MB)  includes the most important actions we need to take to start delivering on the Corporate Strategy during this financial year.

Targets for each measure of success in the Business Plan are published on the Performance page, and performance reports, including progress against actions, are updated there every 3 months.

Climate emergency

One of the main challenges the Corporate Strategy responds to is the climate crisis.

The pdf Mayor's Climate Emergency Action Plan (4.71 MB)  and the pdf One City Ecological Emergency Strategy (4.17 MB)  will guide our climate action.

You can read how we play our part in achieving Bristol's climate goals on our climate action pages.

Supporting information

Supporting information can be found on these pages: