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This strategy sets out how Bristol City Council will actively review, manage and transact property from 2020 to 2023

pdf Corporate Property Strategy (2.90 MB)

The Council holds and maintains its property estate as custodian for the city’s residents and stakeholders. Our vision is that:

  • council services occupy property that is in the right location, fit for purpose, economic to occupy, and compliant with statutory and regulatory codes
  • the value of our investment portfolio is grown and optimised, providing valuable capital and revenue income to support council budgets
  • we act as a professional and effective Corporate Landlord for the council’s estate, managing it in the best interests of the council and freeing up services to focus on delivery
  • our estate leads by example in the contribution it makes to making Bristol carbon neutral and climate resilient by 2030
  • our assets and activities support regeneration, economic development and housing objectives, creating vibrant and sustainable communities
  • we deliver our objectives through strong relationships working with public and third sector partners, exploiting opportunities to deliver  joined up services from shared buildings