Our website will be down for maintenance between midday and 2pm, Wednesday 26 March. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Find out how to access free digital versions of national and local newspapers and magazines.

BorrowBox newspapers and magazines 

Our e-magazines moved from Libby to BorrowBox on Sunday 1 December 2024. 

Our digital newspapers moved from the Press Reader (Libby) service to BorrowBox on Friday 19 May 2023.

To access digital newspapers and magazines on BorrowBox either:

To use the website you need to log on with your library membership number and PIN. If you need a PIN reminder then go LibrariesWest, click on ‘Log in' and ‘Forgot my PIN'.

The first time you use BorrowBox you'll need to be connected to the internet as your device will need to sync to let the digital newspapers tab appear.

All titles can be accessed simultaneously by an unlimited number of library members, and previous editions will also be available.

More details can be found here eLibrary-LibrariesWest

For help please email bristol.libraries@bristol.gov.uk

Which? Magazine

Get free access to Which?, where you can read full articles and monthly magazines.

With expert testing, reviews and advice, Which? reviews products and services so that you make the best purchase decisions for your needs.

How to access Which?

The online service is available at all Bristol Libraries. Ask a member of staff for details on how to use this service.

Central Library hold the current printed copy of Which Magazine as well as an incomplete back run going back to 1957.

19th Century British Library Newspapers

This resource has full runs, where possible, of 48 national and regional nineteenth century newspapers.

To log in from home:

  • enter your Bristol library card number into the library membership 
    no. box
  • click Proceed

The old ANP library card series is no longer in use for this resource, see staff for a replacement card.

Use 19th Century British Library Newspapers.

British Newspaper Archive (BNA)

This resource gives access to British Library newspapers, from the early 17th century to the late 20th century.

Many of the titles are small regional newspapers.

You'll need to:

  • register with the BNA using a library computer
  • create a username and password on your first visit
  • log in every time you want to use BNA

Home access is limited. You can only search newspapers and see a list of results. You can't view or print any articles.

Use British Newspaper Archive.

John Johnson Collection: printed ephemera

This resource gives access to the John Johnson Collection, one of the most important collections of printed ephemera in the world.

It includes collectible booklets, leaflets and pamphlets covering aspects of everyday life in Britain in the eighteenth, nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Use the John Johnson Collection.

Newsbank: national and local newspapers with archived copies

Explore and stay informed on events, people and issues related to business, government, economy, sports, culture, and more. 

Features a variety of local, regional, and national credible news sources from across the UK and Ireland, including The Post. Also available remotely 24/7 on any device.

To log in from home:

  • enter your library card number in the library membership number box
  • click Proceed

The old ANP library card series is no longer in use for this resource, see staff for a replacement card.

Use Newsbank

Gale Primary Sources

This resource searches across the following:

  • 19th Century British Library Newspapers
  • The Times Digital Archive
  • The Sunday Times Digital Archive

To log in from home:

  • enter your Bristol library card number into the library membership no. box
  • click Proceed

Use Gale Primary Sources

Sunday Times Digital Archive: 1822 to 2006

This is a fully indexed and searchable copy of the Sunday Times newspaper from 1822 to 2006. Content from 1985 onwards is also available on Newsbank.

Our license only allows two people to use this at the same time. If you can't log on straight away, try again later.  

To log in from home:

  • enter your Bristol library card number into the library membership 
    no. box
  • click Proceed

The old ANP library card series is no longer in use for this resource, see staff for a replacement card.

Use Sunday Times Digital Archive.

Times Digital Archive: 1785 to 2014

This is a fully indexed and searchable copy of the Times newspaper from 1785 to 2013.

Our license only allows two people to use this at the same time. If you can't log on straight away, try again later.

To log in from home:

  • enter your Bristol library card number into the library membership 
    no. box
  • click Proceed

The old ANP library card series is no longer in use for this resource, see staff for a replacement card.

Use Times Digital Archive.