Our website will be down for maintenance between midday and 2pm, Wednesday 26 March. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Our libraries have a range of services for people who have a disability or are housebound.

Services for people with health conditions or a disability

All our libraries have:

  • books on prescription
  • large print books
  • computers with all Microsoft Ease of Access accessibility tools, including magnifier, text to speech narrator, on-screen keyboard, language options, high contrast

At home library

We're working with the Royal Voluntary Service to provide an at home library service to people who can't leave their home.

Royal Voluntary Service Books on Wheels volunteers bring a selection of books in ordinary print, large print, and spoken word CDs to older people in their home on a regular basis.

When you sign up to the service, we ask you to fill in a questionnaire to tell us about your tastes and preferences.

To find out more, contact:

Ken Luxon
Royal Voluntary Service
Service Manager Bristol Home Library Service

Tel: 07714 898 558
Email: BHLSVisits@royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk