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How to book to use one of the computers in a library and what you can use them for.

Book a library computer

You can only book online from within a library. Self-book using one of our kiosks or library computers to make future bookings. You'll need your library card and PIN.

You can also:

You can book computers for up to two hours. In some libraries, because of demand, computer bookings are for up to one hour.

If you have only been able to use a computer for one hour, you may visit another library to use a computer for a further hour. Check with the library before visiting. If you're more than 10 minutes late, we'll cancel your booking. 

Some libraries have quick-use computers that you can use for up to half an hour. You can't book these in advance or use them if you're not a member of the library.

Computers shut down 15 minutes before the library closing time.

What you can use library computers for

All our computers are free to use. You can use:

  • the internet free of charge, but there is a charge for printouts
  • word processing, spreadsheet, database, publishing and presentation programs
  • your own memory stick to save your work
  • range of online resources

All libraries have at least one A4 flatbed scanner you can use free of charge.

Guest computer access

In every library, non-members may be able to use a computer as a guest for a short period, usually twenty minutes to half an hour, depending on the library, subject to the following conditions:

  • Guest bookings can't be made in advance
  • Guests need to show basic ID, e.g. a bank card or passport
  • Guest access is “once-only” use and non-members are asked to set up a membership to continue to use computers regularly.

There's no charge to use these computers, but there is a charge for printouts.

Before the end of your computer session

Save any work you want to keep to an external storage device.

When your session ends, your computer will restart. Any files you left on the computer, and your browsing history and passwords will be deleted.

Sunday computer access

On Sundays you can use the:

  • Central Library computers between 1pm and 4:45pm, for up to one hour.