The Written Statement of Action addresses Bristol's recent Ofsted/CQC inspection findings.

The Written Statement of Action (WSoA) is the detailed plan to improve key areas identified in the Ofsted/CQC inspection report, which was published at the end of last year (2019). 

pdf Ofsted's letter(100 KB) confirms that the WSoA demonstrates the local area's commitment to address all areas of concern.

Notification of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) local area re-visit

The Bristol City Council and Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) Integrated Care Board (ICB) local area SEND re-visit took place over three days, beginning Tuesday 4 October.

The purpose of the re-visit was to determine whether the local area has made sufficient progress in addressing the five areas of significant weakness detailed in the Written Statement of Action (WSoA):

  • lack of accountability of leaders at all levels, including school leaders
  • inconsistencies in timeliness and effectiveness of the arrangements for the identification and assessment of CYP with SEND
  • dysfunctional EHC plan process, and inadequate quality of EHC plans
  • the underachievement and lack of inclusion of CYP with SEND, including the high rates of persistent absenteeism and fixed-term exclusions
  • the fractured relationships with parents and carers, lack of co-production and variable engagement and collaboration

After the re-visit

The lead HMI is responsible for writing the re-visit letter and submitting the evidence to Ofsted shortly after the re-visit ends. The Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspector will contribute to the process of finalising the re-visit letter. It is the inspection team that reaches the judgements.

If a local area is making insufficient progress in addressing any of the areas of significant weakness, it is for the Department for Education and NHS England to determine the next steps. This may include the Secretary of State (SoS) using their powers of intervention. Ofsted and the CQC will not carry out any further re-visits unless directed to do so by the SoS.

You can find out more about UK Government guidance on re-visits to local areas on GOV.UK.