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Information about business databases you can use for free from Bristol libraries and from your home.

Bristol libraries and the Business and IP Centre (BIPC) Bristol provide free access to a range of business databases. They include:

  • market research
  • grants
  • company reports

Databases you can use from all our libraries and from your home

If you're a member of the library, you can use the following databases from our libraries and at home by logging in with your library card number. Join the library.


COBRA Go to https://bristollib.cobwebinfo.com/ (opens new window) (Complete Business Reference Adviser) has information about starting and running a business in a wide range of industries.

You can use COBRA's business opportunity profiles to find information about different business ideas.

For existing businesses, COBRA has:

  • the latest information in its sector updates
  • business events
  • a legal library

If you're using COBRA from a library, ask a member of staff for a COBRA information guide.

To log in to COBRA from home:

  • enter your Bristol library card number into the library membership number field
  • press Submit

Kompass EasyBusiness

Kompass EasyBusiness is a B2B (business to business) directory with over 43 million individual company and market listings in over 70 countries.

To get data from Kompass EasyBusiness, email your search criteria to BIPC@bristol.gov.uk. We'll download the data and email it to you.

You can also log in to Kompass EasyBusiness from home.


NewsBank Go to https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/news/easy-search?p=UKNB (opens new window) is a database of global news sources.

To log in to NewsBank from home:

  • enter your library card number in the library membership number field
  • press Proceed

Databases you can only use at the Business & IP Centre (BIPC) in Central Library, Junction 3 Library, Knowle Library and Southmead Library

To access the following databases, you will need to use the computers in the libraries' BIPCs.  Ask a member of staff to log you in.

You can download information and print from all of these databases except Mintel. Find out how much it costs to print.


GRANTfinder is a funding database that covers local, national and international funding sources.


IBISWorld Go to https://www.ibisworld.com/ (opens new window) has the latest analysis on the performance and projections of UK industries and sectors.

Additional database you can only use at the Business & IP Centre (BIPC) in Central Library


Mintel Go to https://www.mintel.com/ (opens new window) has UK market research and consumer trends information. Use Mintel to explore market insights, trend drivers and high quality analysis.

You cannot print or download from Mintel.


If you have questions or need more information: