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How to volunteer for our projects and help run activities at our libraries.

About volunteering 

Volunteering with the library:

  • can be long term or for a set period of time to run regular activities, or short term for projects
  • can be at the library or with one of our partners
  • includes a range of tasks such as helping to run a club or project, or set up the spaces and welcome guests at events

Most opportunities are for people over 16 years old.

What to expect

There are a range of activities you can get involved with.

You can find out more about each of the roles below.

Heritage and local studies projects

Children's activities

Events, activities and support for people aged 18 years and over

Vacancies are not always available in all libraries or for all roles.

We do not ask volunteers to help with core tasks such as:

  • shelving books
  • buying new stock
  • reparing books
  • front desk requests

You'll need to attend an induction. If your volunteering is with young or vulnerable people, we'll need to run a DBS check.

We'll give you training and answer your questions before you start. You may also be able to shadow other volunteers or staff.

Young volunteers

If you're between 14 and 24 years old, you can volunteer to support the Summer Reading Challenge between mid-July and early September, and sometimes other children's activities.

You can also volunteer as a summer reading champion as part of the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) award or work experience. Except for the Summer Reading Challenge, we do not offer work experience placements.

You cannot volunteer as part of an apprenticeship or internship.

How to volunteer at the library

If you're interested in one of our volunteering roles, or if you want to receive information on new volunteering opportunities, fill in our online form to join our mailing list.

We will only contact you if a suitable vacancy becomes available.

You need to be 16 years old or over to apply to be a volunteer. 14 and 15 year olds can still apply but need parental consent.

Hear about volunteering vacancies 

You can also use the form to share an idea for a volunteering project. We'll need to contact you to discuss this further to see if it is possible.

Friends groups

You can set up or join a Friends Group.  These are independent groups who work with Bristol Libraries to help create a library service that works for the whole community.

Volunteering with our partners

Royal Voluntary Service (RVS) Home Library Service Volunteer

The RVS Bristol Home Library Service provides an at home library service to people who can't leave their home.

We'll give you training and pay your expenses.

Find out more on the RVS website.

If you're interested in volunteering email bhlsvisits@royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk or call 07714 898 558.

Read Easy UK volunteer 

Read Easy UK helps adults learn to read with free, confidential, one-to-one coaching. 

You'll be trained to work with ‘new readers' in Bristol libraries.

Find out more on the Read Easy website.

If you're interested in volunteering email bristolrecruiter@readeasy.org.uk

ESOL Conversation Clubs

ESOL Conversation Clubs are free speaking classes for anyone that speaks English as a second language.

Find out more on the ESOL Conversation Clubs website.

If you're interested in volunteering, email esolconversationclubs@bristol.gov.uk.